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  • ImTHEstig ImTHEstig rode Cave Rush and 2 other tracks in Free Rider 3
    10 years ago
    • Cave Rush
      This track is only a small part of what is to come in the future, please let me know what you think in the comments.
    • Cave Rush
      This track is only a small part of what is to come in the future, please let me know what you think in the comments.
    • MTB Quest (preview)
      Hey guys I have been working on this idea for about a week now and I was wondering what you thought about it so far. I added a new rock texture so I am interested in what you think about that. As always, thanks for the support and ENJOY!!!
  • ImTHEstig ImTHEstig earned a new achievement
    1 decade ago
    ImTHEstig noahj22 ImTHEstig followed noahj22 1 decade ago
  • ImTHEstig
    ImTHEstig rode CrazyQuest (revamped) in Free Rider 3
    This was the first track that I ever made. It is almost two years old now, I hope this inspires you to keep making tracks and to keep trying to get better. Expirementing is the only way to get better and I hope you try that in your next track. Thanks for the support, and ENJOY!
    1 decade ago
  • ImTHEstig
    ImTHEstig rode CrazyQuest (revamped) in Free Rider 3
    This was the first track that I ever made. It is almost two years old now, I hope this inspires you to keep making tracks and to keep trying to get better. Expirementing is the only way to get better and I hope you try that in your next track. Thanks for the support, and ENJOY!
    1 decade ago
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